Immersive special project to draw attention to the anniversary of the release of the first album of the performer Zemfira.

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In 2019, it was 20 years since the date of the release of the first album of the legendary singer Zemfira.

The Yandex.Media Services team attracted us as partners in the creation of a unique special project at that time - an immersive immersion in the atmosphere of the place where the artist's work familiar to everyone was created.
Year: 2019
Partners: Yandex.Media Services
Duration: 1 months
Tech: #web #webVR #blender #threeJS #substancepainter #gltf #handpaint

Project website
The main reference and source of inspiration for us was Zemfira's album itself, illustrating the classic floral pattern of wallpaper on the walls of Khrushchev buildings.

The image of the housing of the 90s, in which the recording of the singer's first album took place, we embodied in the form of a virtual copy, where the viewer found himself.
Herringbone parquet, lampshade, Soviet wardrobe - the entourage is familiar.
The style of the room was based on the contrast between realism and comics - in the development of the design concept, we focused on the 3rd episode of the series "Love, Death and Robots", where the line between the two directions is very clearly visible.

To achieve the desired effect, we painted the textures manually to highlight the "strokes" pattern.
And the visual accents appearing on some objects imitated the special effects in comics - unpretentious lines and drawings.
The room acted as a space for a quest. Looking at the environment, the audience was looking for references to songs from the album - daisies, T-shirt, moon and other iconic attributes. The found object gave access to listening to the song on the Yandex.Music service.

In addition to visual references, patterns from the clips also sounded in the background - the cry of crows, white noise from the TV.
Our main priority from the technical point of view was to optimize the created content to web standards, which is necessary for fast loading and high-quality display of experience.

The original model was created in Blender and then exported to gltf format.
In the implementation of projects, we pay a lot of attention to the creation of a reuse system - so that the created experience can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also in other platforms.

We moved the digital room to VR for an even greater effect of immersion in the atmosphere of Zemfira's work.
Vlad Krutenyuk
Katya Yantsen
Pavel Postnikov
Project manager
Oleg Yusupov
Vova Makarevich
Roma Oganesyan
Val Lapchevsky